воскресенье, 16 ноября 2008

Эдвард Мордрейк (встречается написание Мордейк), живший в 19 веке, по некоторым заявлениям был наследником одного из английских пэров. Но знаменит он тем, что у него было второе лицо на затылке. По легенде, оно не могло ни говорить, ни есть, но смеялось и плакало. Эдвард умолял докторов удалить этого дьявольского близнеца, потому что по ночам он нашептывал Эдварду ужасные вещи. Но ни один доктор не взялся за эту операцию.
Эдвард покончил с собой в возрасте 23 лет.
инглишEdward Mordrake (sometimes written Edward Mordake) is claimed to be a 19th century heir to one of the peerages in England who had a extra face on the back of his head. According to the story, the extra face could neither eat nor speak, but it could laugh and cry. Edward begged doctors to have his ‘devil twin’ removed, because, supposedly, it whispered horrible things to him at night. but no doctor would attempt it. He committed suicide at the age of 23. Том Уэйтс написал песню об Эдварде.
текст песниDid you hear the news about Edward?
On the back of his head he had another face
Was it a woman’s face or a young girl?
They said to remove it would kill him
So poor Edward was doomed
The face could laugh and cry
It was his devil twin
And at night she spoke to him
Things heard only in hell
But they were impossible to separate
Chained together for life
Finally the bell tolled his doom
He took a suite of rooms
And hung himself and her from the balcony irons
Some still believe he was freed from her
But I knew her too well
I say she drove him to suicide
And took poor Edward to hell
Poor Edward by Tom Waits
youtube vids,
edward mordrake
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